Future of Tourism: Podcast Interview

Where do you see tourism 10 years from today?
This question has crossed our minds several times, especially after covid. So, for this class (JOUR 2060 ), our team, The Globe Trotters decided to take this one step forward and discuss the future of tourism with the experts of this domain.
We got Associate Prof. Robin Reid from the department of tourism management, and Jenn Pallett, the events and sales coordinator for the TRU conference center to join us on this podcast.
This episode features an interesting conversation between the two guests while they give us tips and tricks to put our environment’s best interest at mind. They also discuss the pros and cons of virtual tourism, social media and much more. Lastly, the interview takes a turn into the topic of over tourism where we discuss the causes, effects and ways to combat over tourism.
Did you know that you could be a part of tourism that reciprocates with the local community? Did you know that social media and marketing can actually be a part of the solution that they themselves created? Did you know that tourism doesn’t really have a governing body?
Well, if you are looking for the answers to the above questions, we have got you covered!
Listen below to know more.
Additional Information:
Please note that both the interviews were conducted on different days, separate times and in different locations.
We have tried our best to merge them and make it sound like one interview. However, the transition may not be very seamless. We request you to kindly consider that.